🌟 Romy’s Story (The Founder’s Daughter)

Ever since I started singing number songs or helping my daughter count to 10, things seemed to go wrong. She was tiny at the time, so I didn’t worry much. “She’ll get it,” I thought. But as the years rolled on, nothing improved. She’d spectacularly fail to add numbers to make ten. No matter how many times I said “7 + 3 makes 10,” the next day she’d say, “7 and 5 make 10, mummy. Am I right this time?” 😓
Ever since I started singing number songs or helping my daughter count to 10, things seemed to go wrong. She was tiny at the time, so I didn’t worry much. “She’ll get it,” I thought. But as the years rolled on, nothing improved. She’d spectacularly fail to add numbers to make ten. No matter how many times I said “7 + 3 makes 10,” the next day she’d say, “7 and 5 make 10, mummy. Am I right this time?” 😓

Maths homework became a disaster—filled with tears and her confidence draining away. Then came the multiplication tables… oh boy, did that go wrong. We tried every method out there, but each one failed, leaving her more distressed and making no progress. Eventually, her teacher and the headmaster raised serious concerns about her academic future, sitting me down to tell me she might struggle severely or even fail not only maths but all exams! 😔
I had suffered similarly with maths as a child. Despite having a high IQ, my complex workarounds for my number issues hindered me in exams and my work life. Try being a TV producer and director managing budgets and schedules while being dyslexic and number dyslexic—believe me, it’s hard, very embarrassing and stops you going for that promotion as you don’t have confidence in yourself! 😅

But back to my daughter… I put my TV director’s hat on and started creating funny stories for her instead. Literally within minutes, everything changed! ✨ She understood numbers, and it was as if a light bulb went off above her head. She started climbing from the bottom of the class to the top. 🌟

My friends began hearing about her success and asked me to help their children. At first, I thought it was just a fluke. But soon, every child I taught transformed within days with Fables World secret techniques—it felt like a miracle happening before our eyes. 🤯
Fast forward a few years, and Romy is flourishing! In fact, she’s acing maths, despite her dyslexia and number dyslexia. She recently graduated with an A in A-Level Maths, narrowly missing an A* by just 5 points due to time. (5 on the AP Calculus BC exam 🇺🇸) ⏳
I don’t share this story to boast but simply to show that if Romy—who struggled to count to 10 or do basic sums—can achieve an A (with no extra tutoring), then any child can, with the right help early on. 📈✨ Independent Univercity research has now proven our story-based maths cartoons will make all the difference, improving studies scores by 60% or more compared to children in a control group who don’t use our system.

I originally invented our revolutionary technique for my daughter, Romy, but I quickly realised that she wasn’t the only one struggling with mathematics. In fact, estimates suggest that between 20% and 40% of the population may experience difficulties with numbers. Your child might be one of them, perhaps silently struggling or feeling embarrassed that they don’t understand maths as easily as others. Or maybe you empathise with their struggles, having faced similar challenges in your own childhood.
The impact of difficulty with mathematics goes beyond the classroom. Research shows that struggling with maths can have a lasting effect on mental health and future earning potential, more than any other subject. That’s why Fables World offers a free 7-day trial—you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a try. We’re confident that within hours, or even minutes, your child will experience the same magical moment that Romy did when she realised she could truly understand numbers.
I created these techniques not just for Romy, but for also for your child and all children who find maths challenging. Every child deserves a chance to succeed, and it’s time to ensure that your child doesn’t get left behind or lose their self-confidence over something that can be overcome.
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